We welcome your prayer requests.
Please send in your prayer requests using the button below.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM)
Join us for the EC intercessory prayer group, Praying Hands, dedicated to:
Praying for intimacy with Christ, for EC members, church, and God’s Kingdom
Honoring confidentiality
Desiring to be followers of Christ.
Meets virtually every Tuesday
We invite you to early morning prayer this Saturday the 22nd, and every 4th Saturday, at 6:30 AM in the main sanctuary. We will worship with the KM congregation, seated in the center of the sanctuary.
WE NOW OFFER English translation for the sermon — please refer below for instructions and bring your headphones.
Immediately after the sermon, we will gather in nursery room 1001-D to pray specifically for the EC congregation.
If you’d like to join just for this portion, it typically begins around 7:30 AM.Come pray for our church that we may bear lasting fruit.
Pre-service Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting 9:30AM at MPR.
Translation Instructions
WE NOW OFFER English translation for the KM sermon —
Please refer below for instructions and don’t forget to bring your headphones.