We welcome your prayer requests.

Please send in your prayer requests using the button below.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM)

  • [Tuesdays]

    Join us for the EC intercessory prayer group, Praying Hands, dedicated to:

    Praying for intimacy with Christ, for EC members, church, and God’s Kingdom

    Honoring confidentiality

    Desiring to be followers of Christ.

    Meets virtually every Tuesday

  • [Saturdays]

    We invite you to early morning prayer this Saturday the 22nd, and every 4th Saturday, at 6:30 AM in the main sanctuary. We will worship with the KM congregation, seated in the center of the sanctuary.

    WE NOW OFFER English translation for the sermon — please refer below for instructions and bring your headphones.

    Immediately after the sermon, we will gather in nursery room 1001-D to pray specifically for the EC congregation.
    If you’d like to join just for this portion, it typically begins around 7:30 AM.

    Come pray for our church that we may bear lasting fruit.

  • [Sundays]

    Pre-service Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting 9:30AM at MPR.

Translation Instructions

WE NOW OFFER English translation for the KM sermon —
Please refer below for instructions and don’t forget to bring your headphones.