Women’s Ministry

"Our mission is to grow and connect with gospel-centered women of all ages and stages of life to encounter Christ’s gospel, embrace Christ’s bride, equip Christ’s body, and embody Christ’s mission.”

Interested in connecting and sharing with beautiful women of all ages outside of your Soon CG to grow together in Christ-likeness through fellowship, food, and fun?

Sign up using form below to get on the mailing list. Stay tuned for announcements regarding quarterly meetings!



Praise the Lord for our very first Women's Conference! With our wonderful guest speaker, Dr. Hei Jin Chung (wife of Rev. Ryoo), we spent the day focusing, learning, sharing, and praying about God’s purpose for our lives. Together, we explored how to live fully and joyfully in His will as women of Christ. With close to 60 ladies and 7 children in attendance, the day was filled with fellowship, uplifting praise and worship, powerful prayers, and delicious food prepared with love. It was truly a day to remember!

Check out the beautiful memories from the conference: PHOTOS

We hope you enjoy these moments as much as we did, and we look forward to seeing all the EC ladies at our future events!

Upcoming Events & Announcements

  • Join our Leadership Team!

    We are looking for additional leaders and volunteers to serve in our ministry!  We encourage you to consider prayerfully and let us know if you’d like to serve together! 

  • THE BLESSING | KC Women's Ministry

    The Korean Congregation has a wonderful Korean-speaking women’s ministry program in place called "The Blessing" that meets on Thursdays.

    Please reach out to yehyang@kcpc.org for more information.


We want to make sure you receive all of our updates and announcements!
If you prefer to receive email communications, please fill out the connect form.

Email:  ec.womensministry@kcpc.org

Website:  https://ec.kcpc.org/womens

Facebook: https://facebook.com/kcpcecwomen