Overview of Ministries
Community Group (CG)
Community Group is where we meet in small groups to love, serve, challenge, and encourage one another outside of Sunday gatherings. This is the core backbone ministry of EC where we encourage others to get plugged into.
Good Neighbor
Good Neighbor is our special needs ministry where we serve our brothers and sisters with physical and/or intellectual disability.
Holistic Health
The Holistic Health Ministry is building a community of hope in Jesus Christ and connecting mental health resources with people on a journey of healing, whether temporary or long-term.
holistichealth@kcpc.org -
Intercessory Prayer
The Intercessory Prayer team meets every Sunday at 9:30 AM in the back of the MPR to pray for members, the church, pastors, and the world. The team is currently working on other opportunities for prayer in our church.
Stephanie Han (stephanie.han@kcpc.org)
Hannah Moon (hannah.moon@kcpc.org) -
Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry seeks to minister men of all generations to foster community through fellowship, personal testimonies, Bible study, meals, and sports. Monthly gatherings will focus on topics like fatherhood, dating, and marriage.
Seth Hammontree (seth.hammontree@kcpc.org)
Ken Kim (ken.kim@kcpc.org) -
Security & Safety
Security & Safety provides a secure place of worship where members and visitors may comfortably worship.
Sojourn serves college students by providing them a community in which they can call home, whether their real home is near or far. Through Large Group, Community Groups (CG), and retreats, we provide opportunities for fruitful fellowship and spiritual growth.
Pastor John Yun (john.yun@kcpc.org) -
Welcome Team
The Welcome team greets EC members before service and helps us navigate, not just within our building, but a closer path to Christ.
Imanuela Min (imanuela.min@kcpc.org) -
Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry provides deeper fellowship with women of all ages (post college) to grow together in Christ through sharing and praying.
ec.womensministry@kcpc.org -
Worship and A/V
The Worship and A/V team uses their God-given musical talents to facilitate corporate worship for our Sunday service.
Pastor John Yun (john.yun@kcpc.org) -
Young Adult (YAM)
The Young Adult ministry seeks to connect adults from post-college to early stages of marriage through events and community groups.
ec@kcpc.org -
Youth is comprised of All Stars (Middle School) and Joshua Generation (High School) students.