Peter & HaeJin

Peter and HaeJin currently serves as leaders of one of our Empty Nesters and Transitioning CGs.

"We wanted to be part of this amazing growth of EC, do a life journey with other brothers and sisters in Christ and serve the Lord together."

Peter and HaeJin have been attending KCPC since the 80's (Peter - since 1986; HaeJin - since 1988) with their families.  As youth, they were blessed to meet and accept Christ while attending church retreats (8th grade and 12th grade, respectively).  They met and started dating while serving together at JG and have been married for almost 23 years.  Over the years, they served in various capacities at KCPC - as small group leaders, JG director/teachers, Promiseland teacher, AWANA director etc.  They have two kids (Alex - 20, sophomore at JMU; Alyssa - almost 17, junior at Westfield HS) and enjoy traveling, watching football (mainly Peter), and spending quality time with family and friends.

1) What is your favorite Bible verse?

[Peter]  For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18
[HaeJin]  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6

2) Why did you decide to become a CG Leader?

We wanted to be part of this amazing growth of EC, do a life journey with other brothers and sisters in Christ and serve the Lord together.

3) How can we pray for you? 

Please pray that we will continue to love one another, welcome those who come into our CG lovingly and care for each other through prayers.  We are specifically focused on praying for our children (mainly young adults and college students) for their spiritual growth and maturity.  

4) How have you been blessed during your time as a CG leader? 

God has blessed us and brought growth & maturity onto our CG members even in our deficiencies, as He always does.  It's also a true blessing to hear our folks pouring their hearts out to one another and asking to pray for their needs and requests so specifically.  

5) If you could describe your CG in 3 words, what would they be? 

Caring, committed and transparent...but also fun, humble...the list goes on!!!

6) If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?

[Peter] McDonalds

[HaeJin] anywhere that serves Korean fried chicken!

7) What was your favorite song in middle school?

[Peter] "Detroit City" by KISS;

[HaeJin] "You got it (The Right Stuff)" by New Kids On The Block


8) If you could time travel, would you rather go to the past or into the future? Why?

Future!!!  Can’t wait to see our kids (Alex - 20; Alyssa - 16) as adults doing wonderful things in life for God!!!!

For more information on their and other EC CGs, please click here.